Discernment opportunities

Man praying

Jeremiah 1:7

(High School Men’s Group)

Monthly discernment group for juniors and seniors in high school considering the priesthood.  Contact the Vocation Director for locations and more information.

Man reading bible

The Foundation

(College and Beyond Men’s Group)

Monthly discernment group for men age 18 and older considering the priesthood. Contact the Vocation Director for locations and more information.

Sacred Heart Major Seminary

Seminary Visits

Considering a vocation in the priesthood or interested in experiencing seminary life? Men seeking priestly formation have the opportunity to visit St. John Vianney Seminary in St. Paul, MN, or Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit, Michigan. The upcoming visit dates are as follows:

– For men college age and older, an insightful “Come and See Visit” to Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit is scheduled for March 20-23, 2025.

–  Men who are High school juniors and seniors are encouraged to consider participating in the trip to St. John Vianney Seminary every November and February.

Bishop Boyea

Bishop’s Discernment Dinner

An annual opportunity for men age 17 and up to meet Bishop Boyea and our seminarians, and to learn more about discerning a call to the priesthood. The event will be held on Sunday, August 17, 2025, at 4:00 pm at St. Francis Retreat Center, DeWitt.  

Men’s Discernment Retreat in Summer

This discernment retreat gives men ages 16-25 a chance to learn more about the priesthood discernment process and provides an opportunity to experience the camaraderie of other discerners in the Catholic faith.   The weekend retreat costs $200 and includes, accommodations, meals, daily Mass and group discussions.
Registration takes place through the St. Francis Retreat Center, DeWitt.

Seminary Visits

The Vocation Office offers Seminary visits each year to St. John Vianney Seminary in St. Paul, MN (for juniors and seniors in high school) and to Sacred Heart Major in Detroit (for men who have completed their undergraduate degree). Please check out the News page for information on upcoming visits.

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