What is the application process

“Do not be afraid if God is calling you.
It is a call to joy, not just for yourself but for all who meet Christ through you.”

Meet the Vocation Director

The first step in the application process for entering seminary is to meet with the vocation director to speak about your history, your practice of the faith, your discernment thus far, and the best next step for your vocational discernment.

Intentional Discernment

Depending upon where you are in the discernment process, the Vocation Director may suggest further tools for discernment such as joining a priestly discernment group, meeting with a spiritual director or counselor, reading our discernment booklet, and focusing on intentional discernment in prayer.

Application Process

If you and the Vocation Director determine that the next best step is to apply to the seminary, then the Vocation Director will invite you to begin the application process. The application for seminary sponsorship includes various essays, interviews, psychological evaluation, screenings, and administrative records. The final decision on an application from the Diocese’s perspective is an endorsement by the Bishop. The Seminary will make a determination as to whether or not to accept a candidate independent of the sponsoring Diocese’s perspective.

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