The first, and most important thing to do is pray! Please pray for our seminarians, for the men discerning the call to priesthood, and for an increase in holy vocations. You can also contact our office and request prayer cards so that you can pray for the men individually.
We have great news to share!
Your prayers for new priestly vocations is bearing good fruit. Thanks be to God!
However, these young men need our help, and now! Will you please make a charitable financial contribution to support Seminarian Education this year? Your gift to Seminarian Education will be used to provide for the costs of educating seminarians of the Diocese of Lansing in the current or coming academic year. The funds will be used for traditional costs of an undergraduate or a graduate degree – tuition, room & board, required fees, etc. Your gift will help bring a whole generation of priests to our parishes and our people – thank you!

St. John Paul II
Fund for Seminarian Education
Even if a man already has an undergraduate degree, he still has 6 years of study ahead of him to become a priest. Donations to this fund help cover the costs of graduate-level theology studies.

St. John Vianney
Fund for Seminarian Education
This fund was created to help men with the cost of college seminary. Without grants from this fund, the men in college seminary are fully responsible for tuition, room and board.

Bishop Joseph H. Albers
Fund for Diocesan Vocations
The Joseph H. Albers Endowment Fund for Diocesan Vocations was created to help men with the cost of college seminary. Seminary formation doesn’t allow a man to work outside of his studies. Without grants from this fund, the men in college seminary are fully responsible for costs in tuition and room and board.
If you are interested in giving a donation to one of the seminarian funds, please click above . The Catholic Foundation office can be reach by phone at 517-253-8792.